What is equine bodywork?

Equine bodywork

targets specific areas in the body that often become sore and painful, and over time, relieves discomfort.

Let's work together to evaluate your horse and prevent or ease discomfort through massage and bodywork!

We ask our equine athletes to perform as our partners during every ride whether working on the ranch, competing in the arena, or going for an easy trail ride. Since we expect their best, we should be giving them our best and care for their needs as best as we can.

Benefits of Equine Bodywork

  • Muscle Relief – alleviates muscle tension, spams, and stiffness
  • Increased Mobility – helps improve the horse’s range of motion by relieving tension in the muscles and fascia
  • Pain Reduction – can alleviate discomfort resulting from daily activities, workouts, or injuries
  • Improved Circulation – stimulates blood flow bringing nutrients to muscles and help remove toxins
  • Enhance Performance – regular massages can help a horse perform at its best by preventing muscle tightness and promoting flexibility
  • Injury Prevention – identify and address potential problem areas and help prevent future injuries
  • Stress Reduction – reduce physiological stress responses and compression throughout the head, neck, and back
  • Recovery Assistance – assist in post-injury or post-surgery recovery by promoting healing and reducing inflammation

Full Body Equine Massage

45-75 min
$80 per session

This is a full body work from head to tail including muscle work, trigger point release, acupressure, and stretching. A full body evaluation is done before beginning and each session is tailored to each animal’s individual needs.

Partial Body Equine Massage

20-30 min
$40 per session

A partial body massage is just like a full body, except focused more on the exact problem areas or main target areas in looking for quick release before performing. This service can be beneficial for clients who are on a regular schedule.